First of all, you all seem to have a very wide definition of liberal, so I will clarify that I am a liberal in the sense that I vote Democrat. With that out of the way, I'm going to state for the record that although I am attempting to be open-minded, I despise those who would oppose freedom and democracy. I consider myself a leftist, however, should the Democrats skew too hard towards heavy-handed socialist extremism, I end up voting Republican instead, to bring the balance back into the middle.

I have to say, I find the things you people say to be very confusing and I was hoping you could shed some light on the matter. I've seen you repeat several times that you are civil if questions are asked in good faith, however judging by your actions in other instances I don't expect a serious response.

My questions follow as such. Why would you support leftist extremism? Why risk an authoritarian police state with no free speech over say, Nordic socialism? How do you expect to gain the trust and support of small business owners and investors when you show open contempt for them? What could the Democrats do for you that would win you over without alienating normal voters?

I hope I am not appearing too uncivil for you, but I'm hoping to get some insight into how extremists think. Thank you.

  • blight [any]
    1 year ago

    Hello OrcSlayer666... (surely that name is not meant in a dehumanizing way!) But whatever, I'm bored, so here you go:

    Capitalism is a system where ownership and control over the means of production is concentrated in the hands of capitalists ("investors"). Unlike us, they benefit from skimping on wages and labor conditions. This creates conflicts that cannot be resolved, only ameliorated.

    We are not leftists out of the goodness of our hearts - we are leftists because share the social position of being forced to sell our labor-power to capitalists in order to pay rent and food: we are leftists because we as proletarians stand to gain materially from a socialist system.

    Small business tyrants would occasionally benefit from the same things we do, and to that extent we can form alliances with them, but for the most part their material interest are aligned with the large scale industrial and financial capitalists. More importantly, they are a small class and we can't rely on their support, nor do we need it.

    The problem with the democrats is that they rely on donations from people who can afford lavish donations, you guessed it, capitalists.