The epitome of jesse-wtf


    • RiotDoll [she/her, she/her]
      9 days ago

      i've met girls who were on the wrong side of stuff like that, and you can legitimately break somebody's brain with certain techniques paired with drugs she's known to take.

      I think that might be what's happening. It's an interesting coincidence grimes found her way to christianity to "quit vaping" right around the time elon musk needs Christian Cred

      • keepcarrot [she/her]
        9 days ago

        Are they still in contact?

        Actually, don't answer that, I need to know less about these people

        • Robert_Kennedy_Jr [xe/xem, xey/xem]
          9 days ago

          Yeah along with one or two of his former employees who are now mothers to some of the brood. Envisioning the children all being trained to perform a Shen Yun-like theater but for how white South Africans had created a utopian society during apartheid.

      • JustSo [she/her, any]
        8 days ago

        It's an interesting coincidence grimes found her way to christianity to "quit vaping" right around the time elon musk needs Christian Cred

        Yeah my earlier take was "this is a soft coming out as christian convert to her fanbase" PR type thing, in line with the Elon Goes Trad story arc. Now I wonder if it's actually a cope that she's found some minuscule bit of life improvement she can use faith as a lever to do easier, while she gets dragged (or is happily joining in) the new christian techbro awakening bullshit.

        it's all so transparently manipulative. these mufuckas are trying to make sure the most psychotic militias recognise them as "one of the good ones" when shit truly slides sideways into a hot civil war.

        or OR ORR

        Now that Epstein and Gislaine can't provide them with esoteric child abuse retreats etc, they have to find new ways to feel spiritually fulfilled. Yeah that one's the take I'm keeping.