Stuff like this legitimately makes me question whether using more basic technological assistants such as calculators has fucked up our brains for the worse, and we just don't understand what we've lost.
Yeah, I also feel like maybe I was too quick in my dismissal of these ideas as an every generation thing. It does feel different with all this generative AI crap, but I'm pretty sure that's what they all thought back in the day for writing/books/calculators/computers/phones...
i can see a use for this but ive heard some of those "podcast" summary things people make and damn are they ridiculously reductive in a way that actually misrepresents what they are summarizing
It makes me want to engage in some activities of pure body and thought, un-meddled with by such technology as writing. Storytelling, singing, dance, sports... these things which can only be taught in-person, and which are intensely self-expressive personal experiences, while simultaneously group activities. They as far as you can get from dead and robotic.
Stuff like this legitimately makes me question whether using more basic technological assistants such as calculators has fucked up our brains for the worse, and we just don't understand what we've lost.
Yeah, I also feel like maybe I was too quick in my dismissal of these ideas as an every generation thing. It does feel different with all this generative AI crap, but I'm pretty sure that's what they all thought back in the day for writing/books/calculators/computers/phones...
i can see a use for this but ive heard some of those "podcast" summary things people make and damn are they ridiculously reductive in a way that actually misrepresents what they are summarizing
Using writing had fucked up our memory ages ago, Socrates was right.
It's hard since plato writes about it in the Phaedrus about writing specifically (it's a tool for forgetting!)
So it's been around for a while, but the scale and stakes are probably new
It makes me want to engage in some activities of pure body and thought, un-meddled with by such technology as writing. Storytelling, singing, dance, sports... these things which can only be taught in-person, and which are intensely self-expressive personal experiences, while simultaneously group activities. They as far as you can get from dead and robotic.
Wait till they design a robot that can throw sick 720 pretzels off a hubba