• Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    The Democrats are giving him earned media to ensure his name stays at the top. It's monopoly but he's just passing by the jail square at the moment stright on to the Earned Media / community chest.

    Donald Trump is getting the kind of free media coverage everyone else can only dream of

    Trump has the second-best individual month on record, too, Senatori said. In November, when he was elected, he reached $744 million in coverage. Trump spent less money on traditional advertising than Hillary Clinton during the presidential election, in part, because he racked up so much media attention. 

    How the Hillary Clinton campaign deliberately "elevated" Donald Trump with its "pied piper" strategy

    The strategy backfired — royally.

    On April 23, 2015, two weeks after Hillary Clinton officially declared her presidential campaign, her staff sent out a group message with information for a "strategy call." The email included as an attachment a "memo for the DNC discussion."


    The memo articulated a three-point strategy. Point 1 called for forcing "all Republican candidates to lock themselves into extreme conservative positions that will hurt them in a general election."

    At the time, there were more than a dozen Republican presidential candidates. The "variety of candidates is a positive here," the Clinton campaign said.

    "Many of the lesser known can serve as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right," the memo noted.

    As examples of these "pied piper" candidates, the memo named Donald Trump — as well as Sen. Ted Cruz and Ben Carson).

    "We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to them seriously," the Clinton campaign concluded.

    This document was part of the tens of thousands of emails to and from John Podesta, the chair of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, which were released by WikiLeaks