Imagine there's a bird flu pandemic. In the first year in the US - what will be...
- the total number of dead?
- the total number of people that end up debilitated?
The following is not part of the question.
Earlier today it at dusk and I did an errand on foot from my house. I saw a medical mask on the ground on the sidewalk on the sidewalk very close to my place. My first instinct was to pick it up and carry it to the garbage. Of course I didn't. Who knows what sort of germs could be on that mask. Tomorrow I'll use the end of rake to carry it to the garbage.
I started thinking what's going to happen if we get a bird flu pandemic. In the US - the chaos is easy to predict. How many people will use protection for their eyes, etc? Even if we get another vaccine miracle - how many people will take it?
I started to think about bird flu pandemic press conferences. Will Trump be there? And I realized it doesn't even matter if he is. Whoever the "medical experts" are up at the podium - they will be some combination of a lackey, a flunky, a grifter, a conspiracy theorist, a delusional person, and a fool. The Trump administration will make the pandemic worse by amplifying all sorts of nonsense.
I wonder that the bird flu versions of Ivermectin will be.
A bird flu pandemic is "bodies in the streets" level. Won't really have accurate counts.
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