The actual name is 1906L. Catchy, right?
I wear these on the track along with my athletic smoking jacket.
They're maybe marginally better than those awful dress shoes with a running shoe sole that rich people seem to wear a lot.
My mom bought me a pair of those... I wore them once.
New Balance's Hit 1906 Loafer Gets Even Snazzier in Suede
I love slip-ons. I might even like those up close. But they're $160 which is about $100 more then I'd ever spend on something like that.
Sorry, but the athleisure-fication and goblin-ization of all fashion will continue.
I like loafers and I like sneakers and I think they've ruined both of them with this abomination.
These look rough. Catchy name for sure, and New Balance hates my feet, so it's not like I'd wear 'em anyway.
...I think they're kinda cute tbh. Id like some with like pink and white. I could do with less of the plastic vinyl accent pieces and more mesh tho.