I reluctantly watched a few secs of a Haz video posted here once and it was immediately obvious this guy is one of the finestdumbest mfs on the planet and in no way an actual threat.
Tate is an actually coherent and articulate speaker who has fundamentally different values than me and I think has a lot of potential to do damage but Haz is not someone I'm ever going to give a shit about.
I reluctantly watched a few secs of a Haz video posted here once and it was immediately obvious this guy is one of the
finestdumbest mfs on the planet and in no way an actual threat.Tate is an actually coherent and articulate speaker who has fundamentally different values than me and I think has a lot of potential to do damage but Haz is not someone I'm ever going to give a shit about.
Whoops that's a bad autocorrect haha
just kidding