Imagine actually mentioning fantastic beasts in this post
Like, you could have left it out, you didn't have to name something more embarrassing to have authored than Harry potter, as incredible an achievement as it is to write something worse
It's a story about wizards letting the holocaust happen like...
It's a story about wizards letting the holocaust happen in a story whose set up was about cute animals. How do you bungle that so badly? After Harry Potter, low stakes animal adventures should have been an easy, inoffensive cash cow.
Imagine actually mentioning fantastic beasts in this post
Like, you could have left it out, you didn't have to name something more embarrassing to have authored than Harry potter, as incredible an achievement as it is to write something worse
It's a story about wizards letting the holocaust happen like...
It's a story about wizards letting the holocaust happen in a story whose set up was about cute animals. How do you bungle that so badly? After Harry Potter, low stakes animal adventures should have been an easy, inoffensive cash cow.
Honestly makes me think it's a bit