And that's people who don't consume animal products, not the inhabitants of Vega.
For anyone missing the reference, this is a Sontaran from Dr Who:
ShowWell, he's a walking advertisement for his diet. Any vegans who can claim to be as full of vim and vigour? That's what I thought.
You'd think a gammon would appreciate people that don't eat meat.
As a non-vegan, even I'm triggered. But only in the way that watching someone poop triggers me. Fucking shit-mouth poopie-man...
only in the way that watching someone poop triggers me.
Does this happen to you a lot?
Less often than those who get off to it, more frequently than is healthy. My friends and I frequently send each other incredibly upsetting, but not gory, gifs. My favorite is the pooping skateboarder.
i hate that jabba the hut is used so much for fatshaming because that guy is a perfect lookalike