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    • PaulWall [he/him]
      4 years ago

      not true oil futures went negative so the big banks could take everyone who rationally bought in when price per barrel hit $0 “pRiCe CaNt gO bElOw $0 mUst InvEst”

      the banks literally took oil short at $0 per barrel just to drive it negative for a second and obliterate everyones stop losses

        • PaulWall [he/him]
          4 years ago

          banks do this kind of stuff all the time, they have access to the data of where everyone in the market has their buy orders, sell orders, stop losses and whatever for future orders, so they will take assets long or short in order to trigger these areas where they know there’s lots of orders or stop losses. they use their massive financial wealth to cause shifts in the prices of these assets that they can then reverse to make more money.

          imagine if everyone was going to buy apple at $10 a share and had their stop at $7 a share and it was currently trading at $12. banks see this and go short apple with their massive dick until this causes it to drop (bc oh wow banks going short they must know something we don’t) to $10. everyone buys in now, but the banks keep taking it short until 7 and everyone gets stopped out at a 30% loss. it’s then that the banks take can take it long again or stop putting short pressure on apple, they make money on the way down off of your stops getting hit and make money on way up bc they likely own shares too.

            • PaulWall [he/him]
              4 years ago

              true, i’m trying to figure out currently how to accurately see this happening in real time so that i can jump in with the banks and also make money off of it. as marx said “it is worth it in order to deprive the enemy of some of his money”

              would use proceeds to help coop jackson

          • hotcouchguy [he/him]
            4 years ago

            I first heard about that pattern in crypto markets, I was told it was possible there because of the complete lack of regulation, which allowed the exchanges to abuse their extra information in this way. Interesting to hear about it also happening in conventional markets, for the same reason.

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      4 years ago

      And since Biden and the DNC are so beholden to the suburban white voter (who is by definition a homeowner), they will bankrupt the country in order to prop home values, should they win. Not that Trump will do any different, just that Biden will do the same.