o7 Amerikkka
I actually donate about twice a week to help pay bills. I agree with people hearing about the practice of blood for money and saying "that doesn't sound healthy.". I actually feel awful for 24 hours or more post donation.
It's also really cool you don't get saline anymore because the US is out of it. Just a Powerade and goldfish so you don't pass out driving home
Goldfish crackers, if you're not being sarcastic
I actually didn't know because we don't have goldfish crackers in my country. Lol.
I haven't had one in a while but from.my recollection they're pretty good. They're a tiny air puff thingy. Almost like a savory cereal that you eat dry
The snack thar smiles back, until you bite their heads off!
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Yes crackers sorry
What if your goldfish isn't white? Mines like a yellowish orange
Sorry to tel you this, but somebody must not like you. They've giving you the jaundiced goldfish crackers.