inevitable but still sucks. what's everyone drinking tonite? i've got a Lamplighter IPA

  • PeludoPorFavor [he/him]
    4 years ago

    interesting that you prefer night shift. i think lamplighter is above and beyond one of the better beers in the boston area (after maybe trillium?) especially for IPAs

    • breadandcircuses [she/her]
      4 years ago

      nightshift has a special place in my heart <3

      though lamplighter does too! the first time i ever had lamplighter was early pandemic when hopeless sapphics were trying to set up mutual aid networks over Lex. i traded a girl who worked at lamplighter a bag of potting soil for a four pack. best trade ever (and she was cute af)

      • PeludoPorFavor [he/him]
        4 years ago

        that's fair. One Hop This Time is good.

        and all their weisse series were surprising. I'm just very picky about my IPAs because i think the market is oversaturated with so many "okay" ones, so on the off chance that there is a good one (i.e. most of lamplighters stock [cloud city, rabbit rabbit, etc]) I get really excited. but everyone has their own tastes!