I got bored of attack helicopter memes in mid 2014 and left /r/Tumblrinaction

  • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I've been mostly left economically my adult life but I was almost duped for a while: even though I'm older I somewhat bought into the whole gamergate nonsense (though to be honest, I still don't understand what actually happened), SJWs being problematic, and the work place mentality that feminism is destroying the functionality of working men in modern society.


    At some point about 5 or 6 years ago, someone said, why does everyone hate SJWs? Who doesn't want social justice?

    That forced me to rethink things. While I still believe that many of our social issues are rooted in bad economic policy, advocating for social justice can lay bare all of the problems social inadequacies touch. And people wanting fair and equal treatment isn't bad; in fact, it's never bad.

    Anyhow, that's how I ended up almost thinking like a right wing dipshit in the modern age for a little while. I have to hand it to right wing propagandists: they know how to frame an argument. The lack of response from the Left in popular culture is shocking because being Left is fucking logical as it gets. But much like our elected body, there are only 2 trains of thought in the media: the right wing attack line and the limp-dick liberal all-sides-are-equal semi rebuke.