• ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]M
    1 year ago

    creating a two-class society of childlike adults who set out to pull on the heartstrings of more matured, responsible adults within the same society

    i wonder which group he thinks he’s in hahaha

    man-child conservatives will never look inward

  • BigHaas [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Seriously, is this guy responsible for feeding himself? Does he drive? I really hope he has a caretaker.

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    1 year ago

    Voices around the world

    Always a good start when a think piece has to refer to disembodied voices from as non-specific as venue as "the world".

    Using biological language

    Is there... another kind?

    Biologists, neurologists, evolutionary psychologists, and ethologists have long recognized parent and child instincts in the form of parents’ urge to caretake and protect juveniles


    This Jungian differentiation between the motives of infantile child archetype, and youthful puer archetype respectively, leads me to reject psychopathologising of the puer impulse


    Perhaps those early observations by Jung and Freud make sense when you consider the concerns of the ‘marginalized’ wokists today who champion multiple genders, non-binarism, bisexuality, transgenderism etc. and aggressively demand to be taken care of.


    I know its not the same guy, but I'm going to believe this is the Peter Wright that wrote the article.


    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      1 year ago

      Jung - cursed

      Freud - cursed

      Evolutionary psychology - I'd call it the most cursed academic field, except it's not an academic field, no one in the social sciences considers it legitimate, and they mostly just sit around dreaming up "evolutionary" justifications for social and political situations that have existed for a few hundred years at most.

      Cursed, cursed, cursed.

      I am confused by the references to dog shit, but i recognize this trap and will not try to alleviate my confusion by reading this.

      • VILenin [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Evopsych and Econ are competing for the title of most not-science glorified astrology taught in universities

      • BigHaas [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Proposal: we co-opt evopsych and publish a bunch of papers about the evolutionary default being communism. Neurodivergence, gender and sexual minorities, etc, all exist to increase the diversity of human populations, since from an evolutionary perspective, diversity is strength. The more diversity the better. Sex evolved solely to generate diversity. Evopsych should be ours.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 year ago

    Every word of the title is cursed, and the curse continues in every word after. I gave up after the "akshually all problems are because people are entitled children."

  • Awoo [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Wew. This is special.

    One of the things I tend to try to do whenever I delve into any shit like this is assess "What is this person trying to achieve?"... It's not good.

    a pathological focus that channels its energy into topics like racial or gender-diversity tribalisms, and the insistence that one’s needs be taken care of by others.

    Alright so the three things this person opposes are:

    • Racial diversity

    • Gender diversity

    • Caring about other people's feelings (which they have rebranded into "needing to be taken care of")

    The force of such tribalism tends to take as prisoner all remaining citizens who don’t identify themselves with the child archetype, creating a two-class society of childlike adults who set out to pull on the heartstrings of more matured, responsible adults within the same society.

    Here they are rebranding marxist class analysis into patriarchal "adults" and "children". The bougies (and their supporters) are the adults and everyone else are the children.

    Using biological language, what we are witnessing is a hacking of the parental brain of society, garnering its collective sympathies with the bait of dramatized neoteny. When our biological operating system is hacked in this way, and the hack is taught as cultural operating practice within government institutions, universities and in popular culture, there is little chance to circumvent its omnipotent demands.

    Word salad but ultimately this serves to make the matter ontological. They argue that being child-type or adult-type is inherent, genetic.

    The only way to circumvent the aggressive vulnerability of the child archetype is for a portion of society to say NO when faced with its demands — demands which tend to appear as an insistence for redress of female victimhood, race victimhood, “marginalized” sexuality, wage inequality and so on — the masks of the child archetype.

    Ahh so here enters the 4th thing this person actually cares about - wage inequality. The class element to where this is all coming from.

    Biologists, neurologists, evolutionary psychologists, and ethologists have long recognized parent and child instincts in the form of parents’ urge to caretake and protect juveniles, and conversely of juveniles having an impulse to announce their vulnerability as a signal of their need to be cared for.

    This biological fact was independently discovered and understood by archetypal psychologists (parent & child archetypes), object relations psychologists (parent & child objects), and by other schools of psychology dealing with the ‘inner child’ and its need for caretaking. Object relations psychology goes so far as claiming the sexual libido is subservient to the evolutionary imperative of parent~child bonding, making this dyad the strongest motivator in human affairs.

    Blah blah blah more justification that this is all ontological and genetic. They're recreating the basis for eugenics arguments.

    While the above video provides only half of the full speech given by Hillman on the child archetype, it does impart a good overview of the topic. Hillman touches on Jung’s description of the child archetype as including traits of vulnerability, a sense of futurity (that life will begin in the future), innocence, and also a feeling of hermaphroditism. This sexual orientation (hermaphroditism) of the child archetype is also confirmed in Freud’s idea that toddlers are polymorphous perverse and not yet forming what Freud understood as an appropriate genital identity as boy or girl.

    Carefully weaving together bullshit ancient debunked psychology with eugenics to wield transphobia as a form of "say no to the woke" as a basis for nazi fascism where trans people replace the role of the jews in the old ideology.

    Goal of this person? To create an argument hedged in convincing sounding (to the layperson) pseudo-science that "the woke" must be opposed, or else society will be destroyed (as evoked by their choice of imagery for the post). By making the matter biological they seek to have readers come to their own conclusion that the "child brained" people of society must be destroyed for the good of society. The goal of the writer is to have the reader come to their own conclusion that genociding the "child-brained" people is for the good of everyone else.

    Conclusion: It is rebranded eugenics of ubermenschen(adult brains) and untermenschen(child brains) within the current culture war context. For the purposes of waging class war.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    when you consider the concerns of the ‘marginalized’ wokists today who champion multiple genders, non-binarism, bisexuality, transgenderism etc. and aggressively demand to be taken care of

    Did the writer of that horrible article shitpost on our local federation today? I swear I saw this exact shit from a ".programming" bro recently.

  • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
    1 year ago

    That was my impression on Terry Goodkind, except that someone should check his property for bodies.

    • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
      1 year ago

      like i'm not the first one to observe this, but all the most fervent critics of identity politics have fully adopted its forms and rhetoric. the misogynists of the 20th century didn't have to whine about protecting men's rights, they just hated women openly without these pathetic excuses.