i was watching a video with traditional music from my region and thinking about how since the 90s there has been a massive "popification" of its elements, and by sheer repetition this frankestein version has basically overtaken the traditional artists' place and how that sucks because the new versions, though obviously catchy (it's pop after all), are so generic and formulaic

but then i realize i'm also sounding like an elitist boomer

so at which point does complaining about market forces stealing aspects from and then repressing traditional culture stop being valid? in fact, is it ever valid? or just an excuse for vapid conservatives resisting progress? am i a new kind of the conservative socialists marx was railing on in the manifesto? :sadness: _

  • CTHlurker [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Wouldn't this be dependant on how you phrase your criticism? Conservatives don't really object to commodification of culture per say, just when culture becomes commodified by the "wrong" people, or marketed TO the "wrong people". Only people I've ever met who objected to commodification in general were leftist, or at least has been wearing the appearance of leftism.