not voting for trump but low key hope biden doesnt win so the material conditions of a failing America will be on full display

  • spectre [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Applying "good" or "bad" labels to any non-revolutionary country is a bad take IMO. China is too large and entrenched in the global status quo to be considered revolutionary and/or good, I think. They just are what they are. I can say with plenty of conviction that even with their drawbacks in their domestic policy, and their non-internationalist "socialism", they are far "better" than the US (not necessarily "good" or "bad" still). The easiest thing to point to is that they don't have 600 foreign military bases

    • uwu [she/her]
      4 years ago

      China bad, USA worse. Got it.

      • spectre [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Close enough, but don't say China bad to libs, it's none of their business. If you can't stomach defending it, then just don't say anything at all.

        • uwu [she/her]
          4 years ago

          I mostly just say "china did a lot to lift people out of poverty in a relatively short amount of time." And leave it at that.