imperialism dwarfs any domestic concerns you have

if you disagree with this then youve got american leftist brainworms

people who have shitty or bizarre domestic policy opinions but are active anti-imperialists, not in the fake "no more intervention because brown people dont deserve my help" libertarian fasc way, but in the real "hey the us empire should end" way and actually take steps to disrupt that empire are more important and helpful to the world than people who have demsoc or even leftist domestic opinions but standard or null foreign policy (this includes AOC etc)

u can do both, but one of them is required to even be passably useful

  • Classic_Agency [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    This was tried with the Red Army Faction in Germany. In the end the group ended up getting wrecked by German intelligence and eventually dissolved due to inactivity. You need support from the broad masses of people if you want to make lasting change, and that means paying attention to matters that directly concern them.