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  • shrewchops [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Breaking religious taboos is actually unironically fine, and pissing off religious people is cool. Do you think the protests against Life Of Brian were in the right too? Should we condemn any place that exhibits piss christ? Because I literally do not see the difference between these things.

    • redthebaron [he/him]
      4 years ago

      like i am really trying to think why the head of state of france disrepecting a whole religion would be good in any way and be considered breaking religious taboos because it kinda is not his religion is it but i don't know like giving space to famously not weird about islam country france on doing this kinda shit is kinda not a good idea i guess and on the life of brian yeah i don't remember thatcher being in the movie so kinda weird comparison

      • shrewchops [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Life of Brian has been broadcast by the BBC. It is entirely comparable.

        • blobjim [he/him]
          4 years ago

          lmao Life of Brian is not some deeply offensive movie about someone else's religion. It was made by a bunch of white dudes to mock some conception people they are surrounded by have of something that happened a long time ago. And you aren't bringing out a century of suffering and oppression when you say "Christianity r dumb!", you're punching up. "Satirizing" a religion of a persecuted ethnic minority is not just criticism. It's saying "we have complete control over you, deal with it."

    • blobjim [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Disrespecting the most oppressed group of people in the world to own religion. Yeah, it's edgy time.

      Show me where Christians are being persecuted across the planet with constant negative propaganda and literally murdered on a daily basis and we can talk about the effects of disrespecting Christianity.

      • shrewchops [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Disrespecting the most oppressed group of people in the world

        First off: Lol. French muslims are oppressed, but we literally have Romani in the same country, and outside of France we have groups experiencing genocide.
        Secondly, their level of persecution isirrelevant to this discussion. The religious sentiments of muslims are not sacrosanct, and they can be subjected to the exact same level of criticism and ridicule as any other religion. Islam is not special in thsi regard. The onyl thing special about this is that muslims get more upset by it, which is precisely why it is fine to keep making muhammad cartoons. The entire point of transgressive art is that it transgresses, and challenges ideas about ourselves and what we consider important and not subject to challenge. The taboos of muslims are just as open to challenge as the taboos of anyone else.

        • blobjim [he/him]
          4 years ago

          muslims get more upset by it, which is precisely why it is fine to keep making muhammad cartoons

          Maybe the just have more of an actual reason to? Like, they're more actually religious than others who view religion as more of a cultural signifier than a spiritual thing, like in the US.

          The entire point of transgressive art is that it transgresses, and challenges ideas about ourselves

          Doesn't really work, when "ourselves" is a religious and ethnic minority in a western imperialist country that has participated in committing mass murder against people of that broad ethnic minority.

          The taboos of muslims are just as open to challenge as the taboos of anyone else.

          Maybe in a Muslim majority country where they can actually have that kind of discussion without it just immediately becoming a racist gang-banging.

          The racist component is almost the entirety of this "art", especially since its mainly done by white people who are either Christian or agnostic. And the jokes that are poked at Christianity are never the same, because they aren't directed at a minority group and they usually involve a level of respect and a usually joking attitude. You don't see many mainstream people literally saying "Christianity is dumb and its followers are basically bad/ignorant people". That kind of language is explicitly reserved for Muslims. And as far as I know, this is entirely one sided. You don't see Muslims in the Middle East saying Christianity is dumb and Judaism is dumb, because those are actually somewhat of a basis for Islam. So again, "criticism" of Islam seems to be entirely Islamophobia. You simply can't say it is fine for people in white supremacist countries to "criticize" a religion that they have been violently and savagely murdering members of for at least the last 50 if not 100 years.

          It's the same concept as "critical support" for Syria or whatever. I have "critical support" for Islam because it is a common (but obviously loose in many ways) bond between a billion people who are largely experiencing almost all of the most horrific violence that exists in the world right now.