Yeah it’s a play to get the left out of Labour but... as a stupid American, what’re the details?

  • LeninsRage [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Best explanation I've seen yet, ripped from reddit:

    My admittedly extremely biased take.

    Corbyn came to power, Corbyn is aligned with Palestinian movements. This instantly puts him and his leadership on a war footing with the Jewish "community leadership" orgs like the Board of Deputies, CST etc.

    Corbyn also is left with a very inadequate antisemitism complaints process, that is controlled by extremely hostile elements to the Corbyn leadership.

    Inevitable with you're dealing with Palestinians, Corbyn gets linked to activists, largely Palestinian's who have said antisemitic things and you have a few hundred Labour members, especially older ones, who hold antisemitic views under the guise of Pro-Palestine positions. This is what starts the "antisemitism crisis". (It should be noted, orgs like the BoD have put out hilariously racist, terrifying comments against Palestinians, including, justifying shooting Palestinian children.)

    Those in charge of complaints, because they are hostile to Corbyn, start sabotaging the complaints process while leaking to the Press how Corbyn isn't doing anything. This creates the narrative that Corbyn is purposely defending Antisemites.

    Corbyn is constantly asked to intervene by groups like Jewish Labour Movement (literally reformed in 2016 in their own words to take down Corbyn), Board of Deputies etc to suspend Antisemites faster. Corbyn does this, the JLM then complains about the leadership office interfering in the Antisemitism complaints process and the leaks by the people literally wrecking the antisemitism processes to the EHRC leading to this report. (Not even joking, this literally happened.)

    The report comes out and finds that shock horror, Labour treated Antisemitism complaints differently than normal complaints, also the Leadership office interfered with 7 cases, some to speed up the processes, but other times to defend and/or try end cases notable figures over cases that were politically important and clearly were pretty obvious would be ruled as not Antisemitism but it would have been bad media optics to allow go on, but that doesn't matter, any intervention, on either side, breaches the EHRC laws.

    Media of course has a field day with all of this, playing up that Corbyn is basically going to usher in another holocaust (literally a claim by the Jewish Chronicle) and Labour is riddled with Antisemities (0.05% of the membership were accused of antisemitism).

    Labour left get blamed for all of it. Palestinian activism also has come under massive attacks in the party with entire Pro-Palestinian events now being entirely cancelled under new "Antisemitism rules" which make you need to be extremely careful with any criticisms of Israel. I mean, technically under the new rules, you could barely even be allowed to host a rally that criticises Israel alone.

    • LeninsRage [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The same user also had a good supplementary reply to an idiot who called them delusional:

      I mean, everything I stated, basically did happen.

      The BoD, CST and later JLM etc were extremely hostile to Corbyn from day one. JLM literally was caught out working with the Israeli Embassy against Corbyn. The JLM also reported Corbyn to the EHRC, literally for doing basically what they asked him to do, and for their own wreckers own leaks for things they were responsible for.

      The Right were purposely sabotaging the complaints processes under Ian Mcnicol, most Antisemitism cases were also actually from before Corbyn was even leader, that was how slow and uncaring McNichol was. These figures were also leaking to the press that Corbyn was somehow at fault in this.

      The Leadership Office interfered in 7 cases from what I can tell from the EHRC report, some in favour of defending some members, others to speed up complaints processes.

      Only 0.05% of the membership or Labour party figures were ever accused of Antisemitism.

      Palestinian activism in Labour has come under massive assault, with multiple Palestinian events being cancelled under the new IHRA rules.

      • LeninsRage [he/him]
        4 years ago

        In the end, the gist of it is that we now know the most important priority of the Blairites. Is it combating anti-Semitism? No. Is it winning elections and getting into power to enact policies? No. Is it even helping to prevent tens of thousands of their fellow countrymen from dying preventable deaths due to COVID. Hell no.

        Their first and most overwhelming priority is destroying Jeremy Corbyn and ensuring the faction of their own party which represented never comes anywhere close to controlling the party again.

        They've successfully transformed the enduring legacy of a lifelong crusader against all forms of racism, including anti-Semitism, into "Jeremy Jew-Hater". And theyve posture themselves as the ones doing the "right thing" as they do it.