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  • duderium [he/him]
    10 months ago

    The Japanese had been begging to surrender for six months—on one condition, that the emperor retain a ceremonial position. The USA granted this condition after the surrender because they didn’t actually care and thought that a fascist leader would be useful in fighting communism, which is also why they placed fascist collaborators in charge of South Korea, thereby leading directly to the Korean War.

      • charlie
        10 months ago

        Read the room bud. You walked smug as pig shit into our own house to smear your poop rhetoric all over the walls and we have been beyond hospitable. Either kindly go touch grass, or read something in good faith and reply as such.

      • Egon [they/them]
        10 months ago

        Just because you lack the neurons to acquire a basic understanding of historical events, doesn't suddenly mean that those events arent complicated. But if you're so into people being sacrificed for the will of American capitalists, I suggest you go volunteer in Ukraine.

          • silent_water [she/her]
            10 months ago

            Japan was already ready to surrender on terms the US accepted after dropping the nukes

            not only did the nukes kill thousands of Korean slaves in the two nuked cities but the US subsequently killed 20% of the Korean population, forcing the population underground into caves, during the Korean war just a couple of years later. they leveled virtually every city in order to prop up a brutal police regime - so miss me with this "what about the Koreans and Chinese" nonsense.

          • Yllych [any]
            10 months ago

            dude you got owned and outed as a racist , just take the L and make a new username

          • aFairlyLargeCat [he/him]
            10 months ago

            Hey there! I’ve read over your comments in this thread and they’re super interesting! There’s a few points you made I’d like to refute, but I’m at work at the moment and don’t have time to copy and paste it from my blog - take a look here and see what you think.

            Have a good day!

          • HornyOnMain
            10 months ago

            You're defending the US military killing three times as many civilians as Russia has killed in Ukraine in the entire Ukraine war ("The Russian numbers dwarf the Ukrainian figures, which the officials put at close to 70,000 killed and 100,000 to 120,000 wounded.") and calling us bad people for calling out you for being a disgusting war crime apologist who's defending murdering >200,000 thousand innocent women, children and men who were unfit for combat as well as tens of thousands of Korean POWs imprisoned in the two cities (it's worth noting that despite your claim that the Korean people supported the bombings both the DPRK and the South Korean government condemn the bombings nowadays due to how many Koreans were killed)

      • Flinch [he/him]
        10 months ago

        wojak-nooo noooo you can't use context, that's not fair!!!!