• keepcarrot [she/her]
    10 months ago

    I remember on reddit someone made a logic pretzel to argue that capitalism had killed no one. And it wasn't the "fault of the individual " argument. Closer to "capitalism is the default so they don't count" but not quite

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      10 months ago

      Yeah, that's pretty much their line. When people die under communism it's because something something evil commies, but when people die in capitalism it's some bullshit about them deciding not to voluntarily pull themselves up by their free market bootstraps. Just stupid childish thinking, the kind you can't even really demonstrate is wrong because the weren't really saying anything coherent in the first place.

      • keepcarrot [she/her]
        10 months ago

        It was a slightly different argument but ultimately as meaningless. The user seemed proud of having an 'original' thought tho

      • ProfessorAdonisCnut [he/him]
        10 months ago

        The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificates—died of malnutrition—because the food must rot, must be forced to rot.

      • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
        10 months ago

        Sounds similar to "when people leave a poor AES country they're political refugees, but when people leave a poor capitalist country they're economic migrants."