This website is like 100% "don't vote" stuff, but shouldn't we? Like... if our DemSoc comrades are asking us to get out and vote, shouldn't we do so out of solidarity?

Someone explain to me why this is a bad thing. Cause i'm legit not seeing it.

  • USSMillicentKent [any]
    4 years ago

    I think there are good reasons not to vote, like if you can't afford to miss work and can't get off, your vote is suppressed to the tune of hours-long lines, or if your health or that of a loved one would be at risk.

    But otherwise, I do not see a reason not to go vote for Howie or Gloria. Voting is decidedly not praxis, but voting and taking direct action are not mutually exclusive. Voting does not preclude you from being totally disillusioned with electoralism. I went and voted for Howie, do I think it's going to solve any of my problems or make a difference in the world? No, but Republicans and (especially) Democrats are giving me an explicit opportunity to tell them to go fuck themselves; why shouldn't I take up that offer?