Biden squeezes by a win. Dems don't get the senate. Lose seats in the House. They will do nothing, and get crushed for the next 50 years.

  • OhWell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    They've spent the past year yelling at us that Republicans aren't all that bad and they'll "go back to normal" after Trump is gone. Biden was the main one saying this stupid shit and libs kept repeating it and talking up the mythical "never Trump" Republicans, whom as we have been proved since last night, were a myth. Trump's Republican support went up after all the Lincoln Project stuff.

    All the "moderate" Republicans lost last night.

    Dems actually get what they wanted out of Biden. They're going to just barely squeak out a presidential win, but managed to lose the Senate (which let's be real, they put little effort into winning besides campaigning McGrath to get over a BILLION dollars) and they've lost seats in the House to the point they are just barely hanging onto that for dear life.

    This is what they wanted. Now Biden and Pelosi have an excuse for why they can't push any policy next year besides austerity measures. They'll blame it all on the Republicans. This is shaping up to be just another Obama term of nothingness. Nothing will get done. They'll throw their hands up and blame it on the Republicans who are going to be bullying Biden to get what they want any time this senile old asshole tries to reach across the aisle to make them happy. We won't be getting a stimulus and at most, you can damn well expect some kind of authoritarian crackdown on the protesters as their first act of bipartisanship.

  • ItGoesItGoes [he/him]
    4 years ago

    They will agree on imperialism and other foreign policy shit, as always.

    Conclusion: America stays the same, but the world keeps getting fucked by its imperialism.

    • OhWell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      They will agree on imperialism and other foreign policy shit, as always.

      People on this site really think this has changed due to Trump but it has not.

      The war machine is not a hivemind. So many leftists for some goddamn reason think that imperialism is a hivemind. It's not. They are a handful of capitalists who have interests across the globe, often contradicting each other, which makes it so hard for them to really do anything competent anymore. It's not like the old days when they could pull off stuff and get away with destabilizing the world.

      American imperialism has been declining for the past 15 years. It was declining hard during the Obama era, but you didn't hear about it much cause the media has an extreme liberal bias. But if you paid attention to what conservatives were screaming about between 2008-2016, you would've got a fair dose of the "OBAMA IS WEAK!! OUR ENEMIES ARE WALKING ALL OVER US! WE NEED BOOTS ON THE GROUND IN SYRIA NOW!!". Obama had several foreign policy failures that have not helped the US's war machine at all.

      One other thing; there isn't going to be a war with China. The edgelords on here constantly fap themselves to that as they have an unhealthy obsession with their favorite capitalist country and wanting war, but it's common for both parties to accuse whoever's in power of being soft on China. Conservatives did this all through Obama's presidency and they'll do it again all during Biden's term. There was even talks about Bill Clinton being too soft on China in the 90s.

      The US has too many internal and domestic problems at home, that we aren't going to see a trail by fire neo-con war machine plowing the middle east like back in the early 2000s. The war on terror has come home and we are going to be the ones suffering from it with militarized police and them trying to stomp out the protest movement.

  • Nakoichi [they/them]
    4 years ago

    "Countervailing force" because we totally need something that is equally to the right of the people already far right of people that actually want good things.

  • Crommunist [he/him]
    4 years ago

    No one party should have all that power The clock's ticking I just count the hours

    2009 Kanye for president