coolzone [he/him]

  • 13 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • coolzone [he/him]togamesHave a happy Hallmark holiday
    3 years ago

    like the other comment says that is actually something that comes up. And from what i remember the RCM is in some ways the remnants of the revolutionary groups started as a voluntary and community peace keeping group after the Coalition invasion and take over.

  • Yeah, going into the campaign I was leaning more Marisa, but João campaign really sold me. Him presenting himself as sorta of Constitutional Originalist (our original constitution is actually good unlike the American one so it actualy makes sense to be one unlike the psychos in the american supreme court lmao) was something that I always felt and thought but never really conceptualized fully.

    If we're honest with ourselves both BE and PCP mostly offer programs that are Social Democratic in nature, not really of an Anti-Capitalist Leftist Party and Communist Party.

    Yeah I've also always had an image of PCP as more socially conservative party, but a lot of times it feels manufatured and greatly exagerated. Although i do agree they are bit more "conservative" in some topics like bullfighting. But the anti-PCP media campaign that the media was on this year with the 1st of May and Avante stuff really made me look at the way the media has portrayed the party over the years and if its actually warranted. It's still something to be vigilant and critical of the party tho. constant self crit is important.

  • Unfortunaly no. The Current president will 100% win, 99% chances he wins straight way today without a need for a second round. He's a center right christian conservative, thats a former political pundit and tv commentator and increadibly popular. Theres a chance in the the last 5 years you saw a reddit or twitter post of how "cool" and "normal" he is taking selfies with people or going to the beach. João and the Communist party will most likely get 4th. Behind the current presindent, in 2th the center left candidate Ana Gomes, and the fascist grifter former soccer commentator Andre Ventura in 3rd.

    But they did a good campaing in my opinion, And I feel like he was able to reach an electorate beyond the older traditional Communist Party voters. He also presented himself as a Originalist Constitutionalist which is something that i felt they should hammer a lot more because our original Constitution post revolution was really good, before it was stripped of most of its revolutionary notions in the 80s by the revisions but the right and center left. And even after this revisition its still relatively good (advocates for housing, health, education as right of every citizen).

    This is a good simple article about the election. and the rise of far-right in Portugal the last 5 years

  • coolzone [he/him]totechnologyAnyone other MLs here?
    4 years ago

    the acronym ML means many things but you can usually discern from context! for ex if they're dogmatically defending a debunked ideology, that's probably Machine Learning. or if they're using an analytical tool to predict the outcomes of certain situations, that's Marxism-Leninism

  • coolzone [he/him]tothe_dunk_tank*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    pepe is fine. its not 2015, its used more on twitch, than 4chan chuds and neonazis. stop letting them take things.

    not defending vaush. he sucks. but not because of this, obviously.

  • coolzone [he/him]tothe_dunk_tank*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    pepe is fine. its not 2015, its used more on twitch, than 4chan chuds and neonazis. stop letting them take things.

    not defending vaush. he sucks. but not because of this, obviously.