Change my mind

  • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm pretty sure a dedicated socialist can come up with a Marxist reading on AoT as a criticism of fascism that's really convincing because (I feel) there's enough wiggle room for interpretation in the narrative, especially vis a vis all the Imperial Japanese and Jewish imagery... but as other Chapos have pointed out Isayama has had very bad takes regarding Japanese nationalism and his underlying motivations might well be at odds with our politics, so that hypothetical Marxist reading would need to do a lot of Death of the Author to make it work. Maybe it would be worth it just to breadpill normal people who are only in it for the cool fights, though.

    Anyway, that kinda 'Don't build walls Fascism is Bad Mmmmmmkay' message does kinda pale in comparison to Eva's dedicated, almost animalistic howl of "GET IN THE DAMN ROBOT (SELF-ACTUALISE), SHINJI!" in scope and urgency, yeah, but it isn't exactly an apples to apples comparison.