TheJoker [he/him]

  • 154 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2020

  • TheJoker [he/him]
    touserunionWhy was openthroat banned AGAIN?
    4 years ago

    Appreciate it. I’m just not in an emotional state where I can log off, this is all real bad timing for me personally unfortunately, and there’s nothing that can be done about it. Thanks for the support

  • TheJoker [he/him]touserunionFrom the Discord.
    4 years ago

    For sure. I maintain that the damage done exceeds the good it did, but a value statement like that is hard to make when there’s seemingly no data to support it. I think statistics and analyzing the results of the changes would do a lot of good, but that’s also just how my brain works. Hopefully everyone here agrees that these situations were handled poorly and that something needs to change though, because ideally it would be possible to have our cake and eat it too: removing the bigots while also not alienating large swaths of users. Something needs to be re-evaluated, it seems there tends to be a disconnect in what users think that is

  • TheJoker [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    For sure for sure, you have every right too. I like to believe most users here engage in good faith, and that those that engage in bad faith get dogpiled and told to shut the fuck up. But I also have the privilege to make that assumption. What it comes down to is a lack of communication, really.

  • TheJoker [he/him]touserunionFrom the Discord.
    4 years ago

    Yeah I’m aware, I do understand that, and I tried to make it clear in my next sentence but I didn’t do a good enough job. I stand by what I said though. Users deserve more transparency, which can mean some sort of statistic, or records... for example comparing downvotes on trans_enby compared to downvoted on comes that aren’t trans related, and see how downvoted compare. Again, I’m not saying this to be transphobic, and I really, really do understand the concept that minorities shouldn’t forced to do emotional labor and defend their right to exist. Dialogs about how this site is run still need to happen though, and those discussions have largely been shut down.

    It really sucks that I have to worry whether I should post this or not, because this is as genuine as I can possibly be, and I don’t know how to discuss this without also discussing transphobia. Again, my gripes are purely with how the response has been handled, not that there was a response in the first place.

  • TheJoker [he/him]tomentalhealth*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    That’s rough, it’s really tough seeing people fall into the chid rabbit hole. At first glance it seems like there isn’t any reason to reach out, that it wouldn’t be very productive and all parties would come out of it worse off. But maybe just take some time to think it over? Sorry that’s happening, you hate to see it

  • TheJoker [he/him]touserunionFrom the Discord.
    4 years ago

    I’m also inclined to disagree with it, but it would just be nice to get a confirmation that it was...happening? Or I guess more so that it was as widespread as some made it out to be. I’m cis, and I’m not online as much as other people here, so I’ve never seen transphobia here, as I’m sure plenty of other people haven’t. I know I’m not on the ground floor of bigotry, I know that just because I’m not experiencing it doesn’t mean it’s not there. All that most people have been asking for is more transparency, which has largely been refused and laughed down.

    Edit: to be clear I only bring this up at all because the collateral damage due to the changes implemented for that original reason have been disastrous. If they banned a bunch of people, and all of them were transphobes, and there wasn’t any backlash then I wouldn’t care at all, that would be great actually. It’s only because of the response that this has been called into question at all