Prepare to be purged

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    4 years ago

    If the bourgeoisie is already so repulsed by Warren

    Lots of people are repulsed by Warren. It's not just a bourgeoisie thing. But Warren's entire claim to fame has been dunking on leeches in the financial sector. That's the only reason anyone likes her (beyond the Girl Boss shit and Klob / Harris do that better). She could have worn the Sanders crown if she hadn't done the Pocahontas crap and bragged about being a capitalist. Then spent the primaries dunking on Mayo Pete and Bustberg all the way to the general election.

    The Dems moved mountains to shut down Bernie’s campaign

    Sanders came out strong in the early primary states, swung California, and likely could have recovered in the Midwest if not for COVID. His organizing talent was unparalleled, but he couldn't bring it to bare with people locked up in their homes in mid-March.

    However, as Bernie has sold out his political capital by endorsing Biden

    This has always been how Sanders operated, and if you think backing the Dem slot marked him as a sellout then he was a sellout back in the 80s when he won Burlington's mayorship and backed Mondale.

    The establishment elites will not, I repeat, will NOT let anyone challenge the sanctity of private insurance companies and the fossil fuel corporations.

    They'll go where their base goes. The two are joined at the hip.

    • Pezevenk [he/him]
      4 years ago

      They won't go where their base goes. They will try to move their base. People should have learned by what happened to Corbyn that they'd rather sabotage their own party than let progressives become very powerful.