I mean, Trump is gone, so now there's nothing blocking the left from taking over. Kamala is pretty progressive, and Biden has promised to put Bernie and AOC on his cabinet. That's pretty good progress despite the last four years of Trump. There's nothing wrong with taking a little time for ourselves and relaxing a bit. Maybe we can just tune out of politics and just be with our friends and family for a bit. Perhaps even grab a mid-morning meal to celebrate.

It'll all be okay, I'm sure of it. You have to be practical about these things, maybe doing a tax credit based healthcare system over the next 10 years is good enough. And voters sure did make their voices heard! Joe got record voter turnout. And strong women of color like Stacey Abrams clearly support this vital and diverse movement. It's almost like the ending of Avengers: Endgame where all the different groups show up and defeat Thanos. If Thanos was fat and orange lol.

Anyways, enough rambling. I just want to say I look forward to what we're going to accomplish over the next four years. But don't be afraid to take a little time off, you all deserve it. I'm going to log off, stop posting for a bit, and go hang out with my neighbors who are celebrating Trump being gone!

  • Sen_Jen [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Sit down. Take a breath.

    Its over.

    We won.

    America has redeemed itself. All walks of life - men and women, straights and gays, whites and poors - in this glorious month, we all came together and defeated a common enemy. We looked fascism in the eye and collectively said "No. I refuse to accept you. I will fight until there's not a breath left in my body to defeat you." And you know what? We did. We gave it our all.

    It was a long, scary road. None of us quite knew how the future would turn out. The fate of the entire world was in the balance, and we knew it wouldn't be easy. But nevertheless, we persisted. We did it for Joe, who spent his life using his privilege to rage against the machine. We did it for Kamala, who ever since she was a little girl dreamed of a better world. We did it for Obama, who laid the tracks for this victory. We did it for RGB, who gave her life in the resistance. We did it for each other, in order to see a better day. But most of all, we did it for her.

    There's still a long way to go. The right side won, but the country is still divided. 70 million people decided that they would rather have a Cheeto in the white house than a functioning adult. But the country is healing. We will help that heal; and in doing so we will heal ourselves.

    But for now, take a rest. Grab some coffee. Put on your favourite Harry Potter movie.

    The #resistance won.