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  • lakeradio [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Idea for a grift: Do a kickstarter/gofundme/patreon to use a projector to beam the text "You're fired" onto the white house or if thats not allowed, some other building that symbolizes Trump. For a 45 dollar donation (get it) you are able to write a 350 character message that will be displayed for a 60 seconds. For 80 dollars you can add either an audio clip or a photo. For like 500 dollars you can have a 60 second video. Maybe make the prices higher so only rich libs would waste their money.

    MAYBE make it bi-partison. Encourage Trump supporters to participate to support him. Basically @ing the president irl. It'd have to be livestreamed.

    Then donate the money to something good or keep it or give some away. I would do this but I am unable to travel/lazy. I do have a pretty powerful projector and the ability to put together a powerpoint or video in final cut or whatever. Feel free to use this idea butI think it'd have to be set up today when everyone is irrational.

    It just seems like something useless that liberals would love, yknow?