1. Click on the big button in the header next to ‘Local’ that says ‘All’.
  2. Click the drop-down field directly next to ‘All’.
  3. Click ‘Active’ from the drop-down list.
  4. Click on a thread loaded on the page.
  5. Reply to users in that thread.

Congrats! You have successfully done a brigading! Pat yourself on the back! Next seminar, we will be covering how to subtly deceive strategically-important redditors with a simple tactic they don’t know of called ‘whataboutism’ sicko-hexbear

Edit: meant to post this in the secret group chat where we coordinate the fall of the west. Sorry y’all. My bad deeper-sadness

  • Egon [they/them]
    10 months ago

    I can't find it, but a few years ago a user here did an effortpost showing how whataboutism was first used by the British to silence claims of wrongdoing in Ireland, and then quickly adopted and propagated by the CIA as a way to obfuscate discussion.
    soypoint-1 Whataboutismsoypoint-2