• EthicalHumanMeat [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Woops, wrong comment.

    But anyway, I mean the decision to inflict collective punishment on the poor of a state that slightly favored Trump overall is more cruel and callous than the general population. I don't think most liberals, even in our capitalist society, would applaud letting poor, elderly people freeze to death just because the general public there doesn't support their politics.

    I think this is a special breed of lib.

    • Homestar440 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Maybe, but I suspect that this is in line with where politics is in general. You wouldn't be surprised to see this or even much worse from a conservative talking about liberals, because we usually think of them as the "amped up on fear and hatred" set, but libs have been playing that same game for some time, and since Trump, it's been to the same high-stakes degree as conservatives. So if you're a decent lib, like someone who pays heating bills for poor people, who considers the Democrats to be the sober adults in the room, and they've been in white-knuckled panic and rage for 4 years straight about the moral blackhole that is Trump, seeing people support him probably makes them feel the way we do when someone supports American interventions, that is to say, unworthy of moral consideration. I'm not defending her, I hope you understand, I just think, based on tweets like this and conversations I've had that the tensions between the two formal political identities in this country are at a fever pitch on both sides.