Not sure if this is just ingrained "American Dream" mentality but I want to get away from landlords and buy my own house. Partly this is so I can have my own space to work on my own projects, be messy, grow weed, walk around naked, etc. Lately this is looking like a real possibility since I've paid off my college debt and started saving money for a down payment. I'm also expecting house prices to fall in the next year as the economy implodes.

Despite all that, housing is still really expensive where I live and I probably wouldn't be able to afford a house without a partner or a roommate paying part of the mortgage. My romantic prospects aren't looking too good and I really don't want to be a landlord. And I don't know how I would feel buying a foreclosure. Not to mention I'd be locked into a 30 year mortgage that won't be paid off until after climate change has forced us all to migrate to Nunavut.

Tell me chapos, what's the moral thing to do here? Should I keep renting? Buy a house and try to be an "ethical" landlord? Move in with the next woman I meet after the 2nd date? Go join a commune/cult?

  • MiraculousMM [he/him, any]
    4 years ago

    somewhat downwardly mobile suburban white folks

    Yeah, you got me there. And I'd wager you're right about most of the users here being in the same position.

    I kinda missed your overall point before, my apologies for zeroing in on that one piece. I hadn't really considered before how the Western Individualistic mindset poisons discussion among even strong leftists. You've given me a lot to think about.