I've had way too many moments (not actually many, but two or three is enough to make it too many) where i've looked up after sex to see my ex gf's cat stare at our naked butts with that "oh shit they've noticed me" look on their face. I can't say anything about dogs, it may be different with them because they're much less sneaky, but if you're sexually active in a household with cats and do not go out of your way to lock them out before going down, they will find out so much about you that you're glad they cannot talk.
Oh, and locking them out may mean that you have to lock the door and then they wake you up in the middle of the night by jumping at the door handle trying to get in.
yeah, fair enough. cats are mysterious cryptic creatures to me, but i can confirm that dogs generally mind their own business at night and accept a closed door pretty easily. i hate to kinkshame, but maybe our voyeuristic cat comrades should do some self crit about consent smh
Maybe the person in the OP just yells DURING THE SEXUAL ENCOUNTER THERE MUST BE A REMEMBRANCE OF STALIN at an appropriate volume and that is how the dog knows.
I've had way too many moments (not actually many, but two or three is enough to make it too many) where i've looked up after sex to see my ex gf's cat stare at our naked butts with that "oh shit they've noticed me" look on their face. I can't say anything about dogs, it may be different with them because they're much less sneaky, but if you're sexually active in a household with cats and do not go out of your way to lock them out before going down, they will find out so much about you that you're glad they cannot talk.
Oh, and locking them out may mean that you have to lock the door and then they wake you up in the middle of the night by jumping at the door handle trying to get in.
yeah, fair enough. cats are mysterious cryptic creatures to me, but i can confirm that dogs generally mind their own business at night and accept a closed door pretty easily. i hate to kinkshame, but maybe our voyeuristic cat comrades should do some self crit about consent smh
Maybe the person in the OP just yells DURING THE SEXUAL ENCOUNTER THERE MUST BE A REMEMBRANCE OF STALIN at an appropriate volume and that is how the dog knows.