Fucking hate the Imperialist Democratic Party, and think there's basically no chance they'll actually pass meaningful student debt relief under Biden.

But a universal vanquishing of the first $50,000 held in student debt by graduates will meaningfully improve the conditions of tens of millions of Americans; for both graduates, and those who did never attended a post-secondary institution alike.

57% of Americans support "forgiving up to $50,000 in student loans for individuals who live in households that make less than $250,000 a year", including a majority of those who never attended a College.

This just seems rich considering Chapo often mocked liberals who were incapable of admitting that Trump can do good things at times, and now they may fall into the same trap of opposing on instinct everything coming from the Biden camp.

Actually people should keep suffering, because stopping it with the stroke of a pen would alienate the working class

  • Phish [he/him, any]
    4 years ago

    Seriously, it's a ton of off the cuff, stream of consciousness stuff. He'll even point to stuff he said a while back and say, yeah I was definitely wrong about that. I really enjoy his streams and he's definitely enlightened me on some things, but for the love of god be analytical when you watch this kind of thing.

    I do kind of see where his head is at with this one. Getting rid of that debt is unquestionably good, but if it's the only thing they do it's just a pat on the back for his voting block and it doesn't extend much to the working class. It also feels pretty empty if college remains as expensive as it is currently.