• AllTheRightEngels [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Very, very bold of you too assume that I'm just sitting here jerking myself off to the thought of being morally superior or something.

    You ever play a game were it's like "would you do ___ for ___" such as "would you slap your mom for a million dollars"- the same thing pops in my head with regards to the military. These are people that got asked "would you kill someone to go to college?" "would you support your country in overthrowing another for better healthcare?" "would you look the other way when bad things happen just to learn some discipline?" and they all answered yes, in my eyes at least.

    This needs to be discussed and reconciled on the left. Any person who goes down this mental path and refuses to acknowledge it or goes through mental gymnastics to justify the military and their actions is not someone I consider to be a comrade. Are you willing to put members of the "Will Destroy Life Boats for My Own Lifejacket" committee into your lifeboat? Cause I'm not. I'm not finger wagging to be smug, I'm annoyed that people ignore the incredibly reactionary and selfish reasons as to why the military appeals to people

    • communistthrowaway69 [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Are you willing to put members of the “Will Destroy Life Boats for My Own Lifejacket” committee into your lifeboat?

      If I'm in the fucking lifeboat, the ship has sunk, idiot. If I'm in that situation, I've failed so badly, that I no longer care.

      This is the answer I was expecting though.

      Matt is right about Leftist online discourse. It really is a place for the self consciously left to congratulate themselves for thinking the correct things and to purge imaginary enemies rather than live their actual politics.

      John Brown was an abolitionist. Almost everyone else was a poseur.

      The same is true of us.

      The thing that's supposed to be fucking clarifying about material politics is to not get lost in the weeds of idealist horseshit.

      You must fix systemic problems. You must do this by acquiring power, and empowering the working class to reorganize society for its material benefit. Nothing can change until we do this. Every other question is secondary to the practical question of how we can accomplish this.

      Asking what is or isn't "moral," or who is or isn't your comrade, assumes some kind of inevitable victory that you've already achieved, but don't want to be sullied.

      It's like the people designing communist American flags, you're describing a place that will never fucking exist.

      Until we have some movement that has leverage to move this fucking world, psyching ourselves out about problematic aspects of something that is currently fucking fictional is beyond self defeating.

      How about this, when there's 500,000 of us, angry, armed, agitated, and organized, we can revisit this question.

      Otherwise, it is, quite literally, inventing something to be mad about so you have something to talk about.

      • AllTheRightEngels [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        If you want to overlook the fact that some people are literally willing to kill innocent people that they wouldn't otherwise interact with just to improve their own lives, go ahead. I'm not posturing on moral lines. It's seriously dangerous to uncritically accept anyone into the "left" while ignoring their personal motivations and world view.

        Am I smug, shitty online leftist if I'm also wary of landlords wanting to join our movement? CEOs? Cops? Bankers? At what point are you willing to overlook someone's motivations just to say they are on your side?

        • Zodiark [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Dont you want to lock arms with your disillusioned oppressors

            • Zodiark [he/him]
              4 years ago

              I recall that r/moretankiechapo had a discussion about why r/chapotraphouse was so quick to defend US soldiers/military members and they concluded (with a few anecdotal comment links) that it was because some of the posters actually were in the military, have friends or a spouse/significant other in the military, or have family there. And because those people were affable and didn't personally gun down children or something like that, they must be redeemable and ultimately good.

              Despite this, you'd imagine posters on chapo.chat or r/cth would, in the same breath , condemn Israeli soldiers, despite being drafted oreven if they were in logistics.

              Furthermore, if you recall the Floyd protests during the summer: The military wasn't really keen on clashing with protesters as much as Trump or Senator Cotton were. The police had less self-control and were actively trying to provoke and make confrontation possible as much as agent provocateurs were. That is because the military views its own civilian population as its protected charges/wards rather than potential adversarial hostile belligerents ready to kill as a moments notice.

              There's no need to sanitize or whitewash the military, nor are we clergy who will absolve them of their sins if they join "the cause. " There will come a time to provoke their consciences to act if they ever confront the domestic public again, and no part of being mean on reddit or chapo.chat will come into the thought equation of deciding whether to refuse orders, defect, or mow people down.

              Either they defect and help dismantle the war machine and our empire or they will cling to fascism and white supremacy abroad while feeling ambivalent about exporting it back home.

              You can't build a future with political agents,bureaucrats, and mercenaries whose expertise and ideology is based around exploitation, colonialism, dominance and hegemony, and white supremacy without reconciliation and refutation of those ideas with better ideas of justice, solidarity, cooperation, and equality.

              Which is to remind readers that the Soviets purged/subjugated fascists from East Germany, whereas the West incorporated them into NATO and state agencies.

            • communistthrowaway69 [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              I led you right to the fucking point and you're still staring up your own asshole.

              No one cares about you, or who you are, or what you believe. This conversation is not a moral judgment on anyone or anything. It is an attempt to reckon with a kind of reasoning that is a dead fucking end in the current moment.

              If you believe in material politics, you will attempt to do anything and everything necessary to organize your class and overthrow your oppressors.

              That's literally all there is to it.

              Imagining scenarios where others are morally compromised, and thus unworthy to participate, is the delusion of someone who thinks they have the power to enact their moral judgment on the world.

              Do you think our descendants, living in neo Feudalism in the post industrial world with less than a hundred thousand people in it, would give a fuck about the moral character of people who could have stopped this, but chose not to?

              This is my last response because jfc you've demonstrated no ability to think critically or actually listen to what I'm saying.

              • AllTheRightEngels [comrade/them]
                4 years ago

                jfc you’ve demonstrated no ability to think critically or actually listen to what I’m saying

                Incredible self awareness chefs kiss we clearly don't agree, and you're obviously incredibly eager to pick up reactionary, selfish people in your movement so long as you get what you want. Have fun with that!

            • Zodiark [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Corporal Dawson, under his breath, "If only you were nice to me on Chapo.Chat and forgave me for killing Willy because he snitched about our "wAr cRiMeS".