• thelasthoxhaist [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Ok but… How old were you when you gained all of this knowledge and how did you gain it?

    13/14, mexican history books, they dont shy away from the shit the US has done

    16-21 year olds are not a group well known for their deep understanding of socialist theory, a clear understanding of imperialism and why it is the primary contradiction in modern revolutionary theory, nor why the US are even “the bad guys”.

    i wasnt a socialist back then, and not even a leftist

    Not only are we asking waaaaay too much of a kid that regularly gets text messages telling them to join, but that kid is surrounded by people that prevent them from addressing their need to transition and there are literally no other avenues for these kids to escape the economic entrapment that keeps them in bumfuck nowhere town of 5000 population full of racists and transphobes.

    i understood that from your comment in the other post, but as i said i just cant justify it, as for the one that feel guity about it they are victims too but they also further imperialism while they were in the military, and i dont think they should be excluded from the left because they joined, but joining the US military is a mistake just like being a alt-right in the past and that should be acknowledge or else you are just gonna exclude any person from the countries victim of US imperialism.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      4 years ago

      13/14, mexican history books, they dont shy away from the shit the US has done

      Fucking hell most people were still learning about masturbation and starting to share porn with each other at my school at that age.