Disclaimer: All my love to poly comrades, I'm not shitting on your relationship preferences, it's just this tweet is ridiculous.

  • RNAi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Idk it doesn't seem like a sexuality, but rather a preference in relationship dinamic. Anyways I'm obviously not an expert.

    • jabrd [he/him]
      4 years ago

      If you want an actual commie take you could read Alexandra Kollontai’s “Make Way for Winged Eros” or listen to the AK47 podcast on her writings. She describes relationship dynamics throughout history as an outcome of material conditions and theorizes that a communist society would produce more open, polyamorous relationships. Iirc she was the only one of Stalin’s central committee that wasn’t either assassinated by Stalin or Stalin himself

      • RNAi [he/him]
        4 years ago

        With polyamoury and the theory needed to do it right becoming mainstream:

        Will there be a polylib to chapo pipeline?

        Or will all the libs learning power dinamycs become even more horrible in their educated-libness?

        • jabrd [he/him]
          4 years ago

          The real question is will there be enough sectarian poly infighting that someone gets an ice pick in the back of the head?

            • ChudlyMcChubbyPants [he/him]
              4 years ago

              That part of the kink community that likes to dress up like Marlon Brando and play biker gang on the second Saturday of each month

      • ChudlyMcChubbyPants [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I was just about to ask for a material treatment of the monogamy taboo. Based and perfectly timed

      • 4_AOC_DMT [any]
        4 years ago

        Iirc she was the only one of Stalin’s central committee that wasn’t either assassinated by Stalin or Stalin himself

        huh. polyamory is the nash optimal strategy in among us

        really makes you think

    • Rev [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Well I can only speak from experience. It is a preference but it's a preference in the same vein as the physical itching need for some people to climb mountains, or jump from airplanes or a general need for an adrenaline rush while others are naturally phlegmatic and cannot stand loud noises, for example. It does have to do with the chemical balance in your specific body and the wiring of your specific brain. Now this can be fostered or kept in check somehow but the predisposition is real (whether genetic or due to exposure in early childhood is difficult to say). Which is why even if we get rid of the nuclear family as an ideological standard you will still see many, maybe even overwhelmingly most, people practice exclusive monogamy.