The mods have shown how they do not care about the posters opinions they just ban people whenever they fgeel like it. Take a look at the mod logs if you care youll see these weird ban reasons like "wrecking" and "sectarianism". The reason why these terms exist is to attack the people with different opinions and the way they get silenced is by the power the mods and admins use. Ive asked so many times for democratic moderation why is it that we cant have it? If the mods gave a shit about their "socialism" as much as their "democratic control over the means of production" wouldnt they give the posters even have the power to influence bans?

  • socialist [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Why havent i been banned again and again its been too long why are even bothering to post when i will never feel bad about telling an assadist to kill themselves

    • QuillQuote [they/them]
      4 years ago

      simply can't imagine something more useless or less convincing than your display, but it sure is funny so carry on if you insist

      Why havent i been banned again and again its been too long

      I imagine the mods think similarly, it's really quite funny, but please do log off for your own mental health and drop off that appeal after you've cooled off if you really do feel something is wrong. just do it without getting really mad, using super emotional language, and telling people to kill themselves and you'll have no problem

      but assuming you keep posting mad about it I'll let someone else take over from here have a good night :)