
Just everything about this....I can't.

  • EnsignRedshirt [he/him]
    10 months ago

    He should get his engineers to design a machine that throws shit at a wall and notifies him when it sticks so that he doesn’t have to keep doing it manually. Looks exhausting, tbh

  • sexywheat [none/use name]
    10 months ago

    all the weirdo incel dweebs that apply from that platform will be an instant NO for any recruiters lol

    10 months ago

    Musk is an idiot, but LinkedIn is cringe and I hope it does get killed off or splintered into irrelevance.

    • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
      10 months ago

      I mean, yeah, LinkedIn is one of the worst hellsites on the internet, but I can only imagine how much worse this'll be.

      At least LinkedIn functions.

      • Mindfury [he/him]
        10 months ago

        I mean, yeah, LinkedIn is one of the worst hellsites on the internet

        yeah, the only heartbreaking bit is that he correctly identified it as cringe

        but I can only imagine how much worse this'll be.

        oh it'll be much worse

        At least LinkedIn functions.

        truly one of the most horrifying thoughts - that linkedin works as intended

  • M68040 [they/them]
    10 months ago

    I swear to god if he manages to make online job searches even worse somehow i'm gonna give him Dutch Elm Disease

  • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
    10 months ago

    What's really funny is that -- with proper resources and brand awareness, two things melon-musk actually can get -- you could really put a dent in LinkedIn. But he's going to fuck it up anyway.

    • Employers (especially small and midsized employers) want a decent pool of strong candidates who will take jobs that are offered.
    • Workers (especially the most qualified) don't want to jump through 100 hoops on 100 applications to get an email 6 months later asking if they're still interested.
    • Make "people will actually look at your shit and respond promptly" the cornerstone and you'll get the most serious employers and workers on your platform (especially if you can get all sort of free publicity like Musk can). Penalize not responding in a reasonable time (from both), require employers to list salaries/locations/etc. and penalize bait-and-switches, limit the number of applications (make it just a PDF resume!) workers can shotgun out, etc.
    • To have your profile active (for both employers and workers) charge a modest monthly fee. Not only does this generate revenue, but it reduces the number of parties who are just looking but are not serious about offering/finding a job. Offer workers a month free up front if you're having trouble attracting them.

    All this has the added benefit of being clearly differentiated from LinkedIn. But we're not going to get anything like this; we're going to get a bazinga-fied clone that will tout AI searching or similar vaporware.

    10 months ago

    Eh, it could work. LinkedIn is the best place to connect with people on the industry, because everyone has it. But lots of people also have X.

    What this means is if there ever is to be a LinkedIn competitor, it needs to be a branch off of something else that already has a userbase. I don't see this as a terrible idea to be honest

      10 months ago

      I think most people like to keep their private and professional life separated though. I mean, there are posts that some people would do on their twitter that they would not do on their LinkedIn

      • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
        10 months ago

        I used to think that, then I saw people rant about wokeness on LinkedIn.

          10 months ago

          LinkedIn is so fake

          It's literally a profile for your CV. Of course it's fake and impression managed. I hate seeing all the blah blah blah posts from consultants etc in my network, but I have had good luck with LinkedIn when it comes to networking.

          • Scew [none/use name]
            10 months ago

            The only thing it's been good for on this side of the screen is letting me know that free avenues of job hunting are oversaturated. Between linked in and indeed, any software dev opportunities would be flooded with resumes within seconds of a job being posted. Only ever got a hit using the job boards from the university I got a degree from. Too much chest-puffing and bullshitting for a normal person to sort through on the free platforms.

              10 months ago

              100% understand. A lot of my role is engaging with different industry professionals and academics. The former are all on LinkedIn, with the latter being less so. I find it keeps me up to date with different companies and organisations as they post updates about winning x contract or doing y type of work. I don't use it so much to actively find a new job but rather to stay aware of moving parts, who is where now, who is working on what etc. I could do this on TwiX or another platform but I don't have those so LinkedIn it is.

          10 months ago

          Linkedin is shit, but you just have to use it when you are looking for a new job, otherwise you just ignore it