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  • IceWallowCum [he/him]
    1 year ago

    has anyone ever struggled with the same thing as me? anybody has some tips?

    The first few steps take time and effort. Don't go in trying to bulldoze through 100 pages in a day, go through the arguments slowly, take hours on a single page if you need to, build the arguments in your head until they make sense before moving on. I've been going back and forth between sections 1 and 2 of Capital for months now, and I'm always noticing ideas I missed on previous readings that made the further sections harder to understand.

    The point of reading those books is to learn, and you probably didn't study all of math in a single week in school.

    Take notes and take as long as you need.

    Edit: btw, IIRC, Marx intended Capital to be the book for workers to read in order to organize effectively, so maybe you can very slowly dip your toes into that one. Going all in on the first go will just get you exhausted, and reading in a group is the preferred method, ideally your coworkers.