So, The Last Airbender is good. Korra is also good, in a lot of ways. Animation? Brilliant. Choreography? Yes. Anything beyond a surface deep reading of its representation as politics? Well....

Its so weird, how did they go from AtLA, to this show where every good guy is either a cop or a CEO or literal royalty and every single villain is some caricature of a leftist? In the last season, theres a king whos demonstrably dumb, vain, and in no way should be in charge but hes just still played as the good guy and anyone who doesn't want him to be king is evil???

The Avatar, protector of the people, seeker of balance, coming in just to restore the status quo leaders every single time. Its the definition of liberal politics. Just made this thread to bitch, but lets all complain about how many times the heroes in these stories blindly return everything to how it was because "any change = bad"

    • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The whole electric gloves things hinted at a better idea. Don’t bring down benders, use means of modern technology to elevate non-benders.

      Also in terms of class, there’s poor benders and rich non benders (one in LoK is financing Amon’s Equalist movement), so perhaps class solidarity between working class people of the four nations is possible.

      Idk punishing people for something innate to them that gives them an (seemingly in the Avatar world, only slight) advantage seems cruel and unjust.