I would recommend reading what the DPRK has published however I will also put bourgeois historians as enough time has passed for bourgeois historians to be truthful about what the US and its puppet state did (Bourgeois historians seem to be able to tell the truth 70 years after an incident - when practically everyone who believed the imperialist lie is already dead)
For the most part I don't rate any Western bourgeois historians on the Korean war. Their books are entrenched under the lens of Western imperialism and bourgeois world view while calling the claims of biological warfare which are now confirmed as "communist propaganda"
Bruce Cummings - Korean War (this book is important. IT shows that the South Koreans committed massacres 6 X the rate of North Koreans and the North Koreans were more selective in their reprisals. It also shows how the US filmed South Koreans committing massacres and atrocities then took the footage back home and told the world these were north koreans)
Western Independent Media sources
This article confirms what the North had said all along - that the US used biological warfare against them
I would recommend reading what the DPRK has published however I will also put bourgeois historians as enough time has passed for bourgeois historians to be truthful about what the US and its puppet state did (Bourgeois historians seem to be able to tell the truth 70 years after an incident - when practically everyone who believed the imperialist lie is already dead)
For the most part I don't rate any Western bourgeois historians on the Korean war. Their books are entrenched under the lens of Western imperialism and bourgeois world view while calling the claims of biological warfare which are now confirmed as "communist propaganda"
Western Bourgeois sources
Bruce Cummings - Korean War (this book is important. IT shows that the South Koreans committed massacres 6 X the rate of North Koreans and the North Koreans were more selective in their reprisals. It also shows how the US filmed South Koreans committing massacres and atrocities then took the footage back home and told the world these were north koreans)
Western Independent Media sources
This article confirms what the North had said all along - that the US used biological warfare against them
DPRK sources
The US Imperialists Started The Korean War
The Korean War - An Unanswered Question
Japans War Crimes - Past and Present (to understand how US took over Japans role in Korea after ww2)
Thank you very much!
Thanks, comrade