Let's say the revolution happens and is successful. You are now free to work a job that does not alienate you and you find fulfilling. What do you do?

Personally, I would love to be a baker that just makes bread all day. I'd just make loaves of bread and give them to everyone.

  • El_Pilso [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Kinda do the same as now, just without the bullshit competition nonsense, the corporate propaganda, the "career ladder" treadmill, the customer asskissing, the environmental pollution and the endangerment of my co-workers for profit motives.

    I'm an engineer in the metal industry and I'd be more than proud to provide the materials we need to truly build a better, more sustainable and beautiful world that fills the needs of everyone. God, just give me a fucking purpose beyond enriching some assholes.