• rozako [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Thinking of how conservatives acted towards a few people in NFL who kneeled during the anthem, the collective meltdown of NFL corona strike would have been wold.

    • OhWell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      LOL it wasn't just conservatives though. Obama of all people called out Kaepernick for kneeling and said it was a disrespect to the military.

      I used to run an NFL history and data blog. I was big into advanced stats and calculating the metrics of DVOA and other advanced stats with historic teams and later moved into breaking down old film of historical players and teams. As a result of my blog, I spent a lot of my free time on various NFL forums. I made some friends on there and generally had good times when people wanted to analyze film and so forth.

      But when Kaepernick first kneeled, I mean, holy fucking shit I cannot even put into words the reaction from those fans. 2015 season was an absolute nightmare and it all began when Trump was gearing up his presidential campaign. Every NFL forum I posted on became this war zone of people arguing over the anthem kneeling. The breaking point for me was just a few months in and seeing fans call for Kaepernick to be shot. It got so out of control, there was an exodus from one team forum that had a lot of apolitical and more liberal leaning fans who were so disgusted that the mods allowed calls of violence on these players. But that was only one forum. ALL of them were filled with right wingers losing their minds.

      Come 2016 after Trump won, I had pretty much become inactive on all those NFL forums and I even had a few moderators send me emails wanting to know if I was OK and if I would come back. I asked them to delete my accounts and that I had no plans of coming back to the communities After January of 2017 I deleted my blog and never looked back. I haven't really been able to enjoy football ever since, and I'm a fan of a team who has been a consistent playoff contender in the past few years. After a few years of this, I've grown to really hate the NFL. Them changing the Washington team's name and now wanting to put 'Black Lives Matter' on fields after all this shit, is a huge joke.

      • rozako [she/her]
        4 years ago

        “LOL it wasn’t just conservatives though. Obama of all people called out Kaepernick for kneeling and said it was a disrespect to the military.”

        yeah youre right. how could i forget the great RBG hated on it too