The third wave is happening as I type.

It's driven by voting turnout. It's driven by apathy from people who previously had good intentions, but are now too fatigued to care.

Anti-gov, anti-mask, anti-biden sentiment is at an all time high. Conspiracies are booming.

Mandates are not enough, if anyone is even listening to the clueless lawmakers at this point.

Coming up: thanksgiving, black friday, christmas season, christmas, new year.

I predict 700,000 cases per day on the first week of January.

How is this country so horrible.

  • Virgil_Is_Dead [any]
    4 years ago

    How is this country so horrible.

    Because we're dumb as shit and are incredibly horny for what we perceive as "rights." Which for some reason includes shoving copious amounts of corn based food like products in our mouth, but not the health care we need because of it.

    (Bourgeoisie propaganda is why. Also, I recognize the hypocrisy of typing this with a cigarette in my mouth. Welcome to America!)