• Ewball_Oust [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      I love how libs get scandalized when russians kill double agents i. e. traitors (I don't like Putin, but double agents per definition are dangerous traitors), but they routinely shrug when it comes to Palestine or Mossad assassinations or the US propping up fascist death squads

      • kilternkafuffle [any]
        4 years ago

        Not that any intelligence service wouldn't kill double agents/enemy state agents, but I personally don't trust any Western media narrative about "Russians assassinated X person" because A) they're liars and give no proof beyond "intelligence says so", and B) it's eminently useful to do false flag assassinations of some useless nobody and then use your friendly stenographer media to trumpet about the evil enemy government.

        Russia, by the way, doesn't really play this game. When its people get assassinated, the media/state narrative essentially leaves it a mystery (little discussion beyond vaguely blaming the West) and downplays it. It doesn't have the same strong media arm that can convince half the world and it doesn't want to show weakness by admitting too loudly that it can't prevent assassinations. (I'm sure Iran has to play this carefully too - warn its nuclear scientists to be careful, but don't scare them shitless so they're demoralized.) The world's superpower and its allies are the ones that bay for blood whenever they're (supposedly) attacked.

        • Ewball_Oust [comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          I personally don’t trust any Western media narrative about “Russians assassinated X person”

          Yeah it's always very strange that liberals are all about rule of law and checks and balances, and here we are talking about [attempted] murder, and there's barely any police investigation, nothing's transparent, and most importantly there's no trial... but MSM says "the FSB did it for sure" really? Let's hold a trial then and present the evidence! Oh you won't do that because intelligence work is more covert than that? Yeah alright, I guess we must believe what the MI6 spokesperson says then...

    • evilgiraffemonkey [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I remember reading a lot of fishy stuff about that UK poisoning, whatever happened with that?