
  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    The ST should have been the Reboot Trilogy rather than sequels. New stories, new settings, new characters. Set it in the same universe sometime either in the far future or in the far past. Tell a new story. Steer clear of the OT/PT tropes and use new ones. Or subvert the tropes from time to time.

    The argument of mass appeal doesn't apply to Star Wars. Everyone would have seen TFA anyways. There's enough good will there to take a risk and still be financially successful. The idea that we have to stick to the exact same script for 9 movies proves how bad capitalism is at creative endeavors even playing by their own rules. We could have gotten at least two interesting and good SW movies before Disney got cold feet and pulled what they did with ROS.

    My personal hopes for what a proper follow up could have been is as follows. Okay so you have The Old Republic fall and out of it came the fascist Galactic Empire. Then you have the rebels defeat the Empire and attempt to form a new Republic. Now in movie 1, you show new characters realizing that TNR is going to fall back into fascism. Because that shit happens IRL. So they must not only fight the budding New Empire, but also fight TNR. How do you deal with that? What groups emerge? What conflicts would there be? Well look to real life just like they did for the blatant Nazi allegory of the Empire. You get tepid reformists, you get revolutionaries, you get divides drawn along ethnic and class lines. I'm not saying TFA should have been Trump commentary but goddamn what a timely piece of culture it would have been to go "look, republics fail so the rebels have to make a new system." This also plays into putting the nostalgia bait to rest and guiding the audience to move the fuck on after almost 45 years. Also, expand the universe. Star Wars takes place in a galaxy far far away. Galaxies are fucking huge. I'm sure there's more than one royal family besides the Skywalkers. I'm sure there's other religions than Jedi. I'm sure there's more to the force than lightsabers, ghosts, and telekinesis. Do other shit.

    • StickmanPirate [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The stupid thing is that they had so much stuff that they could have adapted from the dozens and dozens of expanded universe books but instead they just wasted it on JJ fucking Abrams.