She asked me if I'd still lover her if she turned i to a tree. I asked if she'd leaf me for some other tree dude in that situation. She said no, probably not. I said probably not? So there's a chance? If there's a chance I'd rather cut you down and turn you i to shelving for my video game collection.
And now she's mad at me despite me showing her plans of some lovely styles of shelves I'd turn her into. I need you, chapos, to send me girl-friendly shelves because apparently being able to contain over 150 Sega Saturn games isn't enough for her.
question mark. ?
Once you bring up vidya games its game over for a relationship.
What if I don't play them, just collect?
Hmm, interesting. Maybe let her know how much you trust her with your prized possessions.
Hoarding things without use? YTA, and also probably a capitalist roader.
Everyone has a couple dozen Sega Saturn games. This is hardly hoarding.