How would their fellow chuds react? Libs?
Would that actually be the tipping point for shit to get real?
Pelosi becomes president. Both Dems and Republicans agree that the country needs to do more to fight political extremism, by suppressing the radical left.
I feel my soul leaving my body when I listen to the pod and havent really tuned in in close to a year, is their a noticeable drop in quality or are my tastes just changing?
Ya, I don't really blame them for not predicting how bad Covid got. The only person I know who was worrying about it in March was my hypochondriac mom who has family in China. Everyone else thought that even though the government incompetent, it could at least stop this virus which had only infected a miniscule number of people and with two months of forwarning.
I’d laugh. So that answers your latter question on how libs would react.
It would be the point of solidarity that allows the true neo-libs of both parties (i.e. not the fringe elements who aren't with the program) to dispose of those not with the program and create the America Party, to "heal the wounds that have long divided us". They'd then pass legislation to "resocialize" a generation of lone wolves...but use that to round up any leftists who speak up.
Chuds would either do a Rittenhouse and make them a hero, or would claim its some deep state pysop to both make them look worse and install the real communist leader.
As for what would happen, I don't know the line of succession there, assuming they hadn't actually said the oath then trump would remain president until the end of the day, then Pelosi would be acting president until the next person is chosen, Im not sure how that's decided but I imagine dems will just pick someone credible rather than hold another primary
I don't think there'd be a big reaction to one of them being killed; both miiiight send a message to dems that this shit isn't just a game but they'll only want to do something using police force and it'll probably be incredibly dumb and ineffective and mostly just give the chud army more fodder for trying to kill pelosi.
I think the real tipping point would be so far off that we're not really able to see what could get us there. like; maybe a first strike from 3% types doing their "kill two libs day" bullshit and that actually turns the libs against the entire republican party to the point that we start having state national guards start going rogue "to preserve law and order" but basically just get into a civil war with other national guards... but I don't really see any scenario that isn't just republican people killing random people and the actual war being mostly just one off battles and some quick "diplomacy" that just reinstates the old system almost unchanged.
Could possibly become a new 9/11, as in a pretext to start a war and violate human rights.
We think police are bad now, that event would be what they'd need to justify overt fascist police state with checkpoints and tanks in the street every day.