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  • ARVSPEX [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I have said this many, many times before, to the point I have started to develop a headache every single time the topic comes up again, but I guess it has to be done: Why the fuck are these morons so obsessed with Dr. Li?! Do they actually know anything about what he did or why he was reprimanded? No, of course not, they just get outraged off headlines and farm karma on reeedit with it.

    How long are they going to beat this dead horse?

    Why do they always seem to forget about Dr. Zhang Jixian?

    If you do not know who she is, do not be a fucking :LIB: and look her up.

    At least there is some sanity to be found regarding this in the comments:

    So basically this Dr Li should have reported his findings to the Chinese equivalent of the CDC for further investigation instead of confiding solely to his Dr friends.

    What Dr Li did wasn't malicious, it truly seems it was just an oversight on his part. But there are official channels that Dr's must adhere to in the US and most of the developed world, so I see nothing wrong with Dr Li being admonished for spreading what were at the time essentially just unconfirmed rumors.

    But then then it is right back to the same old rubbish:

    That's the day Dr. Wenliang died, so if China wanted to be honest about how this was handled improperly, they would start with how their efforts killed the doctor that tried to warn all the hospitals in China

    Oh, so now he was trying to warn ALL hospitals in China? Pffft, piss off.